Welcome to the website of the church of Christ at Bybee Branch. You are welcome to browse our pages but we would be delighted to meet you in person. Our location (and mailing) is at
1165 Old Smithville Rd. McMinnville, TN 37110. (931) 473-2486
The times of our worship are:
Sunday Morning Worship 9:00 am
Sunday Bible Study 10:15 am
Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pm
On the second and fourth Mondays the Monday Morning Bible Class meets at 9:00 am.
All Services are live streamed on Facebook and subsequently posted to Youtube a few minutes after.
Sunday Morning Services are carried on Ben Lomand TV, Channel 6 (at 11 AM, repeating at 3:30 PM and Wednesday at 5 PM).
You can click the logos to go to the church's Facebook Page or YouTube Channel

For the current Bybee Banner, click here
For "What Must I Do To Be Saved?" Click here